
试析全球气候变化问题的安全化 被引量:7

An Analysis of the Securitization of Global Climate Change Issue
摘要 全球气候变化问题的安全化是一把"双刃剑",它在有利于推动全球合作的同时,也容易成为强势国家干涉弱势国家的借口。西方发达国家之所以积极推动气候变化问题的安全化动议,很大程度上是出于争夺国际气候话语权的目的。未来走向气候变化"非安全化"的一个关键途径是国际社会积极开展全球气候外交、进行多边主义合作基础上的共同治理。 The securitization of global climate change issue is a double-edged sword. It can be used to facilitate global cooperation or used as excuse to intervene in other countries' internal affairs. In order to achieve the goal of commanding struggle for the international discourse over climate change issue,some western developed countries spare no effort in pushing forward the securitization of the issue. One of the critical approaches to achieving the aim of de-securitization of climate change issue is that all the countries should actively carry out climate diplomacy and jointly implement common climate governance which is based on multilateral cooperation.
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期8-12,共5页 International Forum
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