
迪维尔热法则在印度政党体系中的应用及其修正 被引量:1

The Application of Duverger's Law in Indian Party System and the Modification of the Law
摘要 迪维尔热法则关注选举制度与政党制度的关系,其主要论点是相对多数决制倾向产生两党制。迪维尔热法则的适用性在印度案例中受到挑战。自1952年起,印度人民院选举一直采取相对多数决制,但在1952年到1989年间,印度政党制度却表现为国大党一党独大的多党制。中央与地方关系、政党空间竞争方式、社会分野程度、政党标识的稳定性以及现代化程度都是解释印度案例独特性的重要因素。1989年之后,印度政党体系向两党制转型的趋势则从另一角度证明迪维尔热法则的强大解释力和适用性。 Duverger's Law focuses on the relation between electoral system and party system. Its main point is that relative plurality system leads to two-party system. In India,the application of Duverger's law has encountered challenge. Since 1952,India had chosen relative plurality system,but between 1952 and 1989,one-party domination in a multi-party system is the feature of Indian party system. Central-local relation,ways of spatial competition of parties,social cleavage,the stability of party signs and the extent of modernization are the important factors of the speciality of the Indian Case. However,since 1989,the trend of transition toward two-party system in India has proved the explanation and application power of Duverger's law.
作者 高奇琦
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期67-72,共6页 International Forum
基金 上海市教委辰光计划项目“国外政党与公民社会关系对中国共产党建设党群联结机制的启示”(09CG58)的阶段性成果之一
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