
FOXO3A基因多态性与广西巴马县长寿现象的相关性研究 被引量:10

Correlation between FOXO3A Gene Polymorphisms and Human Longevity in Bama County,Guangxi Province
摘要 目的了解FOXO3A基因8个SNPs位点在广西巴马地区不同人群中的频率,探讨FOXO3A基因多态性与巴马地区长寿现象的相关性。方法采用TaqMan探针实时荧光PCR技术对广西巴马长寿地区177例长寿老人(年龄90~110岁,长寿组)以及巴马非长寿地区148例健康成年人(年龄48~89岁,对照组)的FOXO3A基因进行基因分型。结果长寿组中FOXO3A基因rs2764264、rs9400239、rs13217795、rs2802288、rs2802292位点的小等位基因频率高于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。通过连锁不平衡构建两组人群的FOXO3A基因8个SNPs位点的单体型,发现了GA、AG、TTTGTC、GTCGCT、TCTGTC5个主要的单体型(频率>5%)。与对照组比较,长寿组中单体型AG的频率较高,单体型TTTGTC的频率较低,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论FOXO3A基因5个SNPs及2个基于连锁不平衡构建的单体型可能与巴马长寿地区的长寿现象有一定的联系。 Objective To investigate the correlation between 8 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of FOXO3A gene and human longevity in Bama county. Methods Genotyping of FOXO3A gene was performed by TaqMan-PCR technique for 177 longevous peolpe (aged 90-110) from Bama longevity area and 148 healthy controls (aged 48-89) from Bama non-longevity area. Results Minor allele frequencies of 5 known FOXO3A SNPs (rs2764264,rs9400239,rs13217795,rs2802288 and rs2802292) in cases were significantly higher than those in controls(P〈0.05). Builded haplotypes of FOXO3A gene for two groups based on linkage disequilibrium (LD),we had found 5 main haplotypes (GA,AG,TTTGTC,GTCGCT and TCTGTC, frequeney〉5%).Frequency of haplotype 'AG'in cases was significantly higher than that in controls,and frequency of haplotype 'TITGTC'in eases was significantly lower than that in contrels(P〈0.05). Conclusion Five SNPs and two LD-based haplotypes of FOXO3A gene would be closely correlated with human longevity in Bama county.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期54-56,共3页 Journal of Environment and Health
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30560166) 广西科学基金资助项目(桂科基0639045) 广西科学研究与技术开发项目(桂科能0842009)
关键词 FOXO3A基因 巴马地区 长寿 FOXO3A gene Bama Area Longevity
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