
外派回国人员工作适应的影响因素与对策研究 被引量:1

Study on Influencing Factors and Countermeasures of Repatriates' Work Adaptation
摘要 越来越多的外派人员回国及回国后的高离职率引发了对于该群体适应问题的关注。由于逆向文化冲击的影响,外派回国人员会遭遇比融入外国文化更困难的再适应问题。而其中,对工作的适应是最重要的,可能也是最困难的。外派回国人员工作适应的影响因素主要包括个体因素、组织因素和非组织因素等三类,对影响因素的分析表明,组织必须在从外派到回国的整个过程提供系统的诊断与支持,来促进外派回国人员的工作适应。 More and more expatriates return home, and high turnover of them after returning led to concern with the re-adaptation of the group. Because of the impact of reverse cultural shock, repatriates will face more difficult re-adjustment problems than those they face when moving into foreign culture. In the process of re-adaptation, work adaptation would be the most important and problematic. The factors which affect the progress of repatriates' re-adaptation to work include individual factors, organizational factors and non-organiza- tional factors. Analysis of influencing factors indicates that organizations would provide systematic diagnosis and support to promote readaptation of repatriates.
作者 向常春
出处 《企业活力》 2010年第3期47-51,共5页 Enterprise Vitality
关键词 外派回国人员 逆向文化冲击 工作适应 遣返 repatriates reverse cultural shock work adaptation repatriation
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