
海南陵水县螺旋粉虱寄主植物及发生动态研究 被引量:7

Survey on the Host Plants and Population Dynamics of Aleurodicus dispersus Russell in Lingshui County of Hainan Island
摘要 2007~2008年,对螺旋粉虱的重要入侵地带陵水地区螺旋粉虱寄主植物及为害情况进行调查,记录并鉴定的寄主植物达35科68属74种,包括行道树、农作物、园艺作物、杂草、果树、蔬菜等,其中行道树以印度紫檀和榄仁树受害最为严重;果树以番石榴和番荔枝受害最为严重。螺旋粉虱集中在寄主植物中、下部叶片为害,上部叶片受害较轻。6~7月和12月中下旬至翌年1月中旬是全年发生的高峰期。 The host plants and the occurrence situations of A.dispersus Russell on two major sorts of plants in Lingshui County were investigated from 2007 to 2008.The results showed that there were 74 species(varieties) of plants,belonging to 35 families as hosts of A.dispersus Russell,among which the afforesting trees,crops,weeds,fruit trees and vegetables were the main hosts.Pterocarpus indicus Willd,Teminalis cattapa L.,Psidium guajiava L.,Annona squamosa L.were damaged most seriously.The occurrence peak was from the middle ten days of December to the middle ten days of January and from June to July.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期2996-2999,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划课题(2006BAD08A17 2006-BAD08A15) 海南大学校科技基金课题(RNDO716)
关键词 螺旋粉虱 寄主植物 受害程度 种群消长 A.dispersus Russell Host plant Damaged degree Population dynamics
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