
集成供应链企业间合作创新能力评价研究 被引量:31

Research on Evaluation Model of Inter-enterprise Cooperation Innovation Capacity Based on ISC
摘要 随着经济全球化和社会分工的细化,企业涉及的外部合作越来越多。为了寻求更多的资源,依托更先进的技术平台,企业技术创新活动也逐渐由企业内部转向企业外部,合作创新应运而生。企业间合作创新模式很多,从松散的项目合作到战略联盟共同开发,合作的广度和深度逐渐扩大。但是研究表明,由于企业间合作创新往往受到内外部多种因素的影响,合作创新成功率较低。所以,企业如何选择适合的合作创新模式,如何对企业间的合作创新能力进行评价,是企业进行合作创新的基础和前提。基于这个目的,本文从供应链企业间的合作关系与创新模式的关联性分析入手,运用集成供应链(ISC)理论,通过分析集成供应链企业间合作关系的特征以及合作创新的关键影响因素,构建了集成供应链企业间的合作创新能力评价指标体系,进一步利用AHP-Fuzzy测度方法,建立了集成供应链企业间合作创新能力的评价模型,为企业进行合作创新提供参考和借鉴。一并提出,在当前经济环境下,集成供应链企业间合作创新是一种比较适合的模式,它能最大限度地实现资源共享、优势互补、共担风险、共享成果。 With the economy globalization and the detailed social division of labor, the enterprises more and more involve in the external cooperation. In order to seek more resources and rely on more advanced technology platform, the technological innovation activities within the enterprise are gradually shifted to outside of the enterprise, so the cooperation innovation has come into being. There are lots of cooperation innovation models of inter-enterprise, such as loose project cooperation, a strategic alliance to co-development. The breadth and depth of cooperation are expanded gradually. However, studies have shown that, due to the cooperation innovation of inter-enterprise often suffers a variety of internal and external factors, a lower success rate of cooperation innovation is obtained. Therefore, how to choose the suitable cooperation innovation model, how to evaluate the cooperation innovation capacity of inter-enterprise, this is the foundation and prerequisite of cooperation innovation. Based on this purpose, from the start with the correlation analysis between relationship of enterprises in supply chain and the innovation model, and the analysis of the relationship characteristics inter-enterprise based on the the Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) and the key influence factor of cooperation innovation through the use of ISC theory, this article constructs the cooperation innovation capacity evaluation index system of inter-enterprise based on the ISC, further by using AHP-Fuzzy measure model, establishes the cooperation innovation capacity evaluation model of inter-enterprise, in order to provide reference for the cooperation innovation of enterprises. The article puts forward that the cooperation innovation based on the ISC is a more suitable model under the current economic environment, which can maximize the sharing of resources, complementary advantages, sharing risks and sharing the results.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期68-77,共10页 China Industrial Economics
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才项目"基于技术和谐发展的产业系统技术创新体系构建理论及应用研究" "吉林大学‘211工程’"项目 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"服务企业的服务创新模型 测度 绩效评价理论及实证研究"(批准号09YJA790097)
关键词 集成供应链 合作创新 合作创新能力 评价模型 integrated supply chain (ISC) cooperation innovation cooperation innovation capacity evaluation model
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