A spacing experiment of Eucalyptus urophylla including 5 spacing treatments (3 333 trees/ha, 2 222 trees/ha, 1 667 trees/ha, 1 481 trees/ha and 1 111 trees/ha) was established in Tangjia Forest Farm, Leizhou Peninsula. Measurements were carried out at age of 2, 3 and 4 years. The results indicated that in the range of 1 111~3 333 trees/ha, the higher density, there are higher volume/ha and less of mean DBH and mean height at age 4 years. The treatment of 3 333 trees/ha had the highest volume/ha and benefit/ha; the treatment of 1 667 trees/ha had the highest volume increment at age 3 and 4 years. The increment peak of mean DBH was at the age of 2, then the increment was down by 2/3 at the age of 3, the higher density, the more of decrement. The annual DBH increments of 5 spacing treatments were close at age 4 years. The increment peak of mean height was at age of 2 too, and then it was decreased by 2/3 at age of 3 and decreased by 1/2 at age 4 years. The annual height increments of 5 treatments were close at age 4 years. The increment peak of mean volume was at age 3 years for all treatments except 3 333 trees/ha, which the peak was at age of 2 . The increments were sharply decreased after then.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
Eucalyptus urophylla , density, yield, economic benefit