
阅读困难儿童语言认知缺陷的干预研究及发展趋势 被引量:5

Intervention Research on the Linguistic Cognitive Deficits of Children with Dyslexia and its Developmental Trends
摘要 语言认知缺陷是影响阅读困难儿童阅读能力发展的重要因素,以训练阅读困难儿童的语言认知技能为主要目标的干预研究也备受研究者们的关注,其中,语音意识缺陷干预、阅读流畅性缺陷干预和基于语音意识缺陷和快速命名缺陷的综合干预是当前具有代表性的干预研究。分析、梳理以上干预研究及成效,并展望其发展趋势对阅读困难儿童的干预研究具有非常重要的价值。 Linguistic cognitive deficits are important factors that impede the development of the reading ability of children with dyslexia.Therefore,the interventions aiming to improve the linguistic cognitive skills of these children have been attached great emphasis by researchers.Among them,intervention studies of phonological awareness deficit,reading fluency deficit,and comprehensive intervention based on phonological awareness deficit and rapid naming deficit,are those representative ones.The analysis and sorting out of the studies of those interventions and their effectiveness,and the outlook of the trends,have great significance to the intervention research of children with dyslexia.
作者 王文静
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期77-81,共5页 Journal of Educational Studies
关键词 阅读困难儿童 语言认知缺陷 干预研究 children with dyslexia linguistic cognitive deficits intervention research
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