为保护知识产权,图书馆的数字资源的访问都是受到严格限制的,随着读者对资源访问需求的增加,如何合理解决用户远程访问的问题已成为一个研究热点,通过对SSL VPN技术的介绍及SSL协议与IPsec协议的对比分析,肯定了SSL VPN的远程资源访问模式是一种安全有效的解决办法。
The visit to the library's digital resources is closely limited for protecting the Intellectual Property. Following the increasing requirement for the resources , how to realize the user's long-distance visit has become a hot topic. The author introduces the SSL VPN technique and analyzes the differences between SSL and IPSec, and then points out that SSL VPN is an effective and safe model to have long-distance visit.
The Library Journal of Henan