
基于畅通可靠度和拥堵分析的公路隧道改扩建决策方法研究 被引量:2

Decision-making Method of Highway Tunnel Rebuild Based on Unblock Reliability and Jam Analysis
摘要 公路隧道作为公路网络中的重要节点,对于改善公路网络结构、提高公路运输服务水平发挥着重要作用,但也往往是交通拥堵频发的重要地点,成为公路网络的瓶颈。为改变目前公路隧道改扩建中缺乏系统性和整体性而导致的越改越堵、越堵越改的恶性循环的现状,提出畅通可靠度的概念,分析发生经常性交通拥堵时公路隧道区域的通行能力及其上下游区域的交通流参数(交通量、速度、占有率)特性,并对测试路网中公路隧道由四车道改为六车道对公路网络交通负荷的影响及改建的可行性进行分析验证,可为公路隧道改扩建提供参考。 Highway, the important dot of highway network, plays an important role in improving the structure of highway network and service level of highway transport. But it is the bottleneck and the traffic jam block of the highway network. Nowadays, it has fallen in the vicious circle that more rebuilding leads to more jam and vice-versa for lack of systematicness and entirety. In order to change the situations, the concept of unblock reliability is gave, the capacity and the characters of the traffic parameters such as traffic volume, the speed, the occupancy of the road units around the jam block are analyzed. The impact on the traffic load of the highway network about the tested highway tunnel is rebuilt from 4 lanes to 6 lanes and its possibility is checked in the end. It can provide reference for highway tunnel rebuilding.
作者 彭念 任其亮
出处 《交通标准化》 2010年第3期44-47,共4页 Communications Standardization
关键词 交通拥堵 畅通可靠度 公路隧道 改扩建 决策方法 traffic jam unblock reliability highway tunnel rebuild decision-making method
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