
大陆法系对英语非洲国家宪法的影响——以法、德两国宪法对南非宪法的影响为例 被引量:2

Impact of Continental Law System on English-speaking African Countries: A Case Study of Influence of France's and Germany's Constitutions on South African Constitution
摘要 作为英联邦国家,南非的司法体制一直深受普通法系法律原则的影响,但南非的法律体系却并不能归类入普通法系。南非现行宪法既受普通法系影响,也在很大程度上借鉴了大陆法系。法国和德国作为大陆法系国家的代表,其宪法制度对南非宪法有重大影响,主要体现在宪法形式和修正程序、国家形式、法院体系、公民权利和自由等方面。从宪政发展来看,西方两大法系将持续对南非产生影响,南非宪法将继续向着有南非特色的混合法的方向演进。 As one of the Commonwealth Nations, South African judicature mechanism has always been influenced deeply by legal principle of common law system. But South African legal system can not be classified into common law system. The contemporary constitution of South African not only is influenced by common law system, but also to a certain extent borrows ideas from continental law system. Both France and Germany are the typical continental law countries. Their constitutional system has a significant impact on South African constitution in the following aspects: constitutional form, revision program, court system, civil rights and freedom. From the perspective of Constitutionalism development, the two major legal systems in the Western countries will continue to produce influences on South African and South Mrican constitution will continue to move in the direction of mixed law with South African characteristics.
作者 贺鉴
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期69-74,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 上海市人文社科重点研究基地华东政法大学外国法与比较法研究院招标项目:"法语非洲与英语非洲国家宪法人权保护之比较研究"
关键词 大陆法系 普通法系 英语非洲国家 南非宪法 continental law system common law system English - speaking African Countries South African constitution
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