
论能本人力资源开发的动力机制与价值 被引量:3

On the Power Mechanism and Value in the Development of Capacity-oriented Human Resource
摘要 能本人力资源开发的外部动力系统主要揭示导致能力本位人力资源开发的外部条件和外部环境,具体表现为一种"外推效应"。第一,知识经济新形态引发的"催生效应";第二,资源危机与替代引发的"选择效应";第三,市场经济竞争特有法则产生的"挤压效应";第四,民主开放社会环境造就的"激发效应"。能本人力资源开发的内部动力系统主要揭示导致能本人力资源开发的主体要素及其能动性,具体表现为一种"内驱效应"。第一,个体主体生存发展的内在需要;第二,组织法人主体生存发展的必然要求。能本人力资源开发的价值表现在:第一,推进社会主义民主法制建设的需要;第二,完善社会主义市场经济的需要;第三,提升公民文化文明素养的需要;第四,实现人的全面发展的需要;第五,构建学习型与创新型组织和社会的需要;第六,建设人力资源与人才强国的需要。 The external power system of the Capacity - oriented Human Resource Development (CHRD) mainly reveals the external conditions and environment of the CHRD, specifically manifested as a kind of "extrapolation effect", including four aspects, i.e. first, the "midwifery effect" caused by new forms of knowledge -based economy; second, the "selection effect" triggered by resources substitution and crisis; third, the "squeeze effect" resulted from market - specific rules of economic competition, and fourth, the "priming effect" created by the democratic and open society environment. The internal power system of the CHRD mainly reveals the main elements and the internal conditions of the CHRD, specifically manifested as a kind of "inside - drive effect", including two aspects, i.e. first, the main internal needs of the individual survival and development; second, the corporate entity's requirement for survival and development. The value of this CHRD is manifested as follows: first, the needs to promote to build the socialist democracy and legal system; second, the needs to improve the socialist market economy; third, the needs to enhance civic culture civilization and literacy; fourth, the needs to realize human overall development; fifth, the needs to build a learning, innovative organization and society, and sixth, the needs to build the power of human resource and talent.
作者 同满宏
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期80-85,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 人力资源开发 能力本位 动力机制 价值 human resource development capacity - oriented power mechanism value
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