
走向“扁平化”的知识型城市 被引量:1

Learning Communities in a Flat World: An analysis of the People’s Republic of China
摘要 中国即将成为先进的知识经济大国的趋势,也为其他国家带来了发展机遇。本文所研究的核心问题是,如果以知识经济发展为指导的管理政策作为工具,一个人口大国的发达与欠发达地区之间的不均衡是否能够以及如何能够"扁平化"。我们特别要关注的是正在发展中的知识社会是否能够缩窄知识鸿沟以及由此缩短整体的发展差距。"扁平化世界"的概念就是大家都在同一水平的起跑线上。我们选择以中国为例,是因为她悠久的历史和地缘政治的复杂性对其他发展中国家具有借鉴意义。不少学者们认为,是邓小平的改革开放政策改变了中国的落后面貌。但笔者却持相反观点,认为中国的兴衰成败,并不单纯地取决于国界的开放与否,而是取决于整个社会是否存在积极的学习态度以及可供借鉴学习的参照体。 The possible emergence of China as an advanced knowledge ec, onomy poses some very interesting development opportunities for other nations. The paper to be presented will overview the central research question of whether (and how) it is possible to "flatten" the divides between advanced and less developed regions of a vast and populous country using knowledge policy as a tool. In particular, we examine whether developing learning communities is an effective means of bridging knowledge gaps and their consequent differences in growth and development, This is the notion of a flat world - one which can be transformed into one level playing field. We select the case of China because the lessons from China, with her long history and geo-political complexities, apply to many aspiring communities in the developing world. Several scholars have suggested, it was Deng's reforms that reversed this sad state. We take a contrary view that it was not an open or closed border that saw China decline but the lack of learning and benchmarking which led it so.
出处 《城市观察》 2010年第1期41-47,共7页 Urban Insight
关键词 知识型社会 扁平化 中国 learning community flat China
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