2008年在采集到的胶南市蓝莓(Vaccinium corymbosum L.)根际土中,分离鉴定出无孔小咽属2个中国新记录种,分别为非同无孔小咽线虫Aporcelaimellus alius和食淀粉无孔小咽线虫A.amylovorus。其中,非同无孔小咽线虫A.alius的鉴定特征是雌虫虫体强壮,唇区缢缩明显,角质层由明显的两层组成,阴唇骨化明显,尾长是肛门处体宽的0.7~0.8倍;食淀粉无孔小咽线虫A.amylovorus的鉴定特征是虫体中等,唇区缢缩明显,角质层光滑,由两层构成,雌虫阴唇骨化明显,尾长是肛门处体宽的0.9~1.1倍。
Aporcelaimellus alius and A. amylovorus were collected and identified as the new record species of China from the soil samples of blueberry( Vaccinium corymbosum L. )collected in Jiaonan city, Shandong province, in 2008. A. alius was characterized by female body robust, labial region set off by a deep constriction, cuticle consti- tuted by two apparent layers, inner lip heavily sclerotized, tail as long as 0. 7 -0. 8 anal body width. A. amylovorus was characterized by female body medium sized, labial region set off by a deep constriction, cuticle smooth and constituted by two apparent layers, inner lip heavily sclerotized, tail as long as 0.9 - 1.1 anal body width.
Journal of Qingdao Agricultural University(Natural Science)