
波浪作用下海洋立管试验研究及ANSYS数值模拟 被引量:6

Experimental and ANSYS Numerical Simulation of Marine Riser under Wave Load
摘要 海洋立管在石油工业生产中有着非常广泛的应用,同时也是薄弱易损的构件之一。立管管内有高温高压的流体流过,管外承受海洋环境荷载尤其是波浪荷载的作用,受力比较复杂。由于中国大部分的海上油田水深都比较浅,所以重点研究浅水中的海洋立管。运用相似理论将实际立管模型缩放为试验模型,在管内流体流动及管外波浪荷载作用下,测量立管动力响应,并与Ansys有限元数值模拟结果进行了比较。 Marine risers have been widely used in the oil industry, at the same time, they are one of the weakest parts. The risers generally contain high temperature and high pressure flowing oil or gas and bear the action of marinie enviorment load, especially the wave load, so the endured forces of the risers are very complex. Because most of the offshore oil fields in China are in the shallow water, the experiment and numeric simulation are focused on the risers in the shallow water. The similarity theory is used in the experiment to derive the experimental model from the practical model. Under the external wave load, the dynamic response of the riser model is measured and then compared with the ANSYS numerical simulation result.
出处 《中国造船》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期73-77,共5页 Shipbuilding of China
基金 "863"资助项目(2006AA09Z356)
关键词 海洋立管 波浪 动力特性 动力响应 ship engineering marine riser wave dynamic character dynamic response
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