
一种新型水下机器人的研究与开发 被引量:9

Research and Exploitation of a Novel Underwater Vehicle
摘要 详细介绍了一种全新概念的水下机器人—ARV(Autonomous&Remotely-operated Vehicle)。它综合了遥控水下机器人(ROV)和自治水下机器人(AUV)的优点,既可以像AUV一样依靠预设指令进行自主巡航来完成大范围搜索探测任务,又可以像ROV一样,通过水面遥控完成精细作业。ARV最显著的特点是用微细光缆取代了传统的脐带电缆,使水下机器人更具长距离、大深度、实时操作、机动灵活及高可靠性等特点。着重阐述其研究背景、关键技术、实物样机的研制及其发展的重要意义。 This paper introduces a novel submersible vehcle called Autonomous&Remotely Vehicle (ARV) which synthesizes the advantage of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). The ARV can operate as an AUV for self-cruise depending on the preinstall order, and can also work as a ROV for fine operation via the controlling on water surface. The most remarkable characteristic of the ARV is using fiber optic micro cable instead of traditional umbilical cable, which makes the ARV have more traits, such as remote control,real time operation,automotive agility and so on. The backdrop, the key techniques of the ARV and its practicality are introduced. In the end, the important significance of the ARV is discussed.
出处 《中国造船》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期122-130,共9页 Shipbuilding of China
关键词 ARV 微细光缆 双体 LED ARV fiber optical oicro cable Catamaran LED
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