

A Brief Study on Harper's Bill on Quebec's Special Status
摘要 加拿大保守党政府在联邦层面和魁北克层面的分离主义压力下,变被动为主动,促使加拿大议会通过了承认魁北克社会特殊性的议案,承认魁北克在加拿大国家内"国中国"的地位。"国中国"议案是保守党政府对魁北克人团拟动议的反击,反映了哈珀总理本人联邦主义思想的调整,标志着对1982年宪法的补充和修正。议案暂时平消了加拿大联邦层面政党之间的纷争和联邦与魁北克之间的紧张,但没有实质性地解决魁北克问题。 As faced with separatist pressure at both the federal level and Quebec level, Canada's Conservative government led by Stephen Harper had the Canadian Parliament pass Harper's motion which recognized the Quebecois "form a nation in a u- nited Canada". Harper' initiative acted a counter - fight and correction of Bloc Quebecois' motion. It witnessed the adjust- ment to Harper' earlier federalism thought, and complement and amendments to the 1982 Constitution. The bill eased dis- putes at the federal level and tension between the federal government and Quebec, but didn't prove a substantive resolution to the issue of Quebec.
作者 王建波
出处 《长春师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2010年第2期44-48,共5页 Journal of Changchun Teachers Coliege
关键词 加拿大 哈珀 “国中国” 魁北克 Canada Harper "nation in a country" Quebec
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