
诗性叙事及其审美功能——读阿兰达蒂·洛伊的《微物之神》 被引量:6

Poetic Narrative and Aesthetic Effects——A Reading of Alundhati Roy's The God of Small Things
摘要 诗歌与小说同为语言艺术,却在形式特征和审美功能上有很大的不同。诗人作诗重在抒情,诗歌话语遵循的是其本身所特有的情感逻辑法则;小说家写作意在叙事,叙事话语表现为故事情节展开的方式。诗性叙事意指小说叙事的诗化倾向,它表现出了对传统叙事语法的背离。《唯物之神》正是因为其叙事的诗化特征,成为了诗性叙事的典范。 Poetry and fiction are both the arts of language, but they differ from each other in formal and aesthetic aspects. A poet cares much about the expression of his emotions, and poetic discourse follows the principles of its emotional logic; a nov- elist aims at telling a story, and narrative discourse is the way how the events of a story are unfolded. By poetic narrative, we mean that narrative discourse draws near to being poeticized, which is characterized by a challenge of the traditional narrative principles. Just because of its poetic quality of narrative, The God of Small Things is acknowledged to be a good model of po- eric narrative.
作者 郭国旗
出处 《长春师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2010年第2期105-109,共5页 Journal of Changchun Teachers Coliege
关键词 《微物之神》 诗性叙事 叙事话语 审美功能 The God of Small Things poetic narrative narrative discourse aesthetics effects
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