
海洋法视角下的北极科考相关问题初探——以《联合国海洋法公约》第76条为例 被引量:2

A Study of the Relevant Issues of the Arctic Scientific Expedition from the Perspective of Law of the Sea
摘要 北极各国在北极进行海洋法相关数据的采集工作,是对UNCLOS第76规定的科考回应。科考技术在北极的应用虽然遭遇巨大挑战,但北极科考成果为大陆架权利的确认积累了科学依据,为潜在权利的发现和提出提供了新的路径,同时也引发了科考客观性、科考资源浪费、非北极国家权益如何保障等一系列问题。对此应充分发挥北极科考组织的作用;展开科考方面的国际合作;发挥非北极国家在北极组织中的作用以及加强非北极国家之间的合作;此外还需对海洋法公约进一步修订和完善。 Collecting Law of the Sea data in the Arctic is the scientific expedition response to the Article 76 of UNCLOS. The application of scientific expedition technology in the Arctic faces great challenges, but the research results provide a scientific basis for confirming the continental shelf rights and give a new direction to find and make potential claims to the continental shelf rights. At the same time, it causes a se- ries of problems such as the objectivity of scientific expedition, the waste of scientific expedition resources and how to protect the rights of those non-Arctic Nations. To resolve these problems, the Arctic scientific expedition organizations should play an active role; international cooperation should be made in the Arctic scientific expedition; the non-Arctic nations should play a big role in international Arctic scientific expedition organizations and cooperate with each other. Moreover, UNCLOS should be further refined and improved.
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第2期16-21,共6页 Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金"海洋法视角下的北极法律问题研究"(08BFX081)
关键词 北极 科考 海洋法 大陆架权利 the Arctic scientific expedition UNCLOS the continental shelf rights
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