The battlefield is always awesome,because of its dynamic changes.Similarly,the fierce competition in the business world,every participant is ever-changing business opportunities,manufacturers and use those.How the business in an increasingly competitive and changing environment has become increasingly complex faster and more effective?Ren Zhengfei made an internal speech to put this issue to do the classic interpretation,His speech comes from the experience of Huawei in North Africa.'Let's hear the guns people to make decisions' This phrase has become a hot management topic for a time.In fact,letting people hear the roar of guns to carry out the decision-making,in essence,is to make decision-making power goes down,to give frontline staff the necessary decision-making power to make these the best understanding of the first-line personnel to the actual change in accordance with the business world,to call artillery fire.At the same time they will also allow the entire organization's resources in the most efficient use,and enables organizations to maximize performance.
Contemporary Manager