文章着重阐述中国英语学习者英语学习过程中的零主语初始习失现象(initial unlea-rn-ing)旨在论证在中国英语习得者的中介语中,是否存在零主语的初始习失。研究发现,中国英语习得者的中介语中并不存在零主语的初始习失现象,二语习得者会把母语中的零主语参数迁移到二语的中介语中,而且在所测试的所有句子结构中,这一迁移无一例外地存在。
The present study concentrates on the unlearning of null subjects in English by Chinese EFL learners,in an attempt to find out whether there is initial unlearning of null subjects in Chinese speakers' L2 English . The research finds out there does not exist initial unlearning of null subjects among the Chinese EFL learners investigated, and the results are similar in every sentence pattern examined.
Journal of Harbin University