
文本中人物性别识别研究 被引量:3

Research on Gender Recognition for Character in Text
摘要 对文本中人物进行性别识别时除了利用其人名本身的用字特征外,可以从整个篇章出发,考虑篇章中描述不同性别时的两性特征差异。该文根据描述男女人物不同方面时存在的两性差异自动获取大量具有明显性别差异的性别倾向性特征词:性别倾向性描述词和性别倾向性称谓词。通过性别识别实验发现,性别倾向性描述词相对于性别倾向性称谓词具有更好的性别指示作用。另外,性别倾向性描述词结合性别倾向性称谓词和姓名的用字特征相对于仅利用人名进行性别识别的效果更好。 In addition to the word features of a character's name, we can recognize a character' gender according to the differences of the words when a man or a woman is described in the text. In the paper, based on the different de- scription of men or women of various aspects, we obtain a large number of significant words with gender differ ences, gender bias feature words and gender bias personal appellations. The experiment shows that gender bias fea- ture words have a better description of different gender roles than gender bias personal appellations. Besides, the method of gender bias feature words combined with gender bias personal appellations and the word features of a character's name has a better effect than using only the person names' features.
作者 唐琴 林鸿飞
出处 《中文信息学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期46-51,共6页 Journal of Chinese Information Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60673039 60973068) 国家863高科技计划资助项目(2006AA01Z151) 教育部留学人员归国启动基金项目 教育部博士点基金资助项目(20090041110002)
关键词 计算机应用 中文信息处理 性别倾向性特征词 性别倾向性描述词 性别倾向性称谓词 性别识别 computer application Chinese information processing gender bias feature words gender bias personal appellations gender recognition
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