
(泮托拉唑)泮立苏治疗消化性溃疡临床疗效观察 被引量:4

Pantuolqzuo for Active Peptic Ulcer
摘要 目的研究泮立苏治疗消化性溃疡临床疗效。方法将经胃镜证实的消化性溃疡患者随机分成泮立苏组(治疗组,简称泮组)和洛赛克组(对照组,简称洛组,其中泮组50例,应用泮立苏40mg,1次/d,洛组50例,应用洛赛克20mg,1次1d,疗程4周,停药后均复查胃镜观察溃疡愈合情况。结果十二指肠溃疡愈合率泮组为92.8%,洛组为93.1%,胃溃疡愈合率泮组为90.9%,洛组为90.4%,P值均>0.05。结论泮立苏对消化性溃疡有较高的治愈率,疗效与洛赛克相当,是一种有应用前景的质子泵抑制剂。 Objective To study the efficacy and safety of Pantuolqzuo in treatment of active peptic ulcer.Methods 100 patients with active peptic ulcers were randomly divided into 2 groups.50 patients treated with Pantuolqzuo 40 mg and 50 patients with Losec 20 mg,once daily for 4 weeks.Ulcer healing was assessed by en-doscopy.Results Duodenal ulcer healing rate was 92.8% of the patients given Pantuolqzuo and 93.1% of the patients given Losec(P〉0.05).Gastric ulcer healing rate was 90.9% in the Pantuolqzuo group and 90.4% in the Losec group(P 〉0.05).Conclusion In this study,Pantuolqzuo holds the healing rate equivalent to Losec for both duodenal and gastric ulcers.
作者 李英 李未华
出处 《中外医疗》 2010年第3期22-23,共2页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 消化性溃疡 泮立苏 洛赛克 Duodenal ulcer Gastric ulcer Pantuolqzuo Losec
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