
论西方当代艺术的生成与视觉文化悖论——以“英国青年艺术家”运动为例 被引量:2

On Generation of Western Contemporary Arts and the Paradox of Visual Culture——A Case Study of "British Young Artists" Movement
摘要 西方当代艺术是生成性的,而且它在本性上与视觉文化语境处于相互生成之中。这种相互生成,不仅与存在相关联,更发生在艺术文本的语境里。作为一种反审美的文化,当代艺术的生成与大众视觉文化既趋同又反离,并显明为艺术观念的当下发生及其在视觉文化中的沉淀。作为一种事件,当下发生表明了当代艺术的文本及其偶发性特征。在此基础上,当代艺术产生了与之相关的视觉文化悖论,这也是视觉艺术的当代性与文化的后现代性的突出表征。对于当代艺术来说,其视觉文化悖论主要表征为:艺术日益普及化、通俗化,却越来越难以理喻。同时,艺术看起来既十分"自然"、熟悉,但又显得非常陌生。这种视觉文化悖论是当代艺术与视觉文化相互生成的独特体现,同时它也表征了西方当代视觉文化及其存在的根本困境。 The Western contemporary arts is generative, and in nature, it is in the mutual generation with the context of visual culture. This mutual generation, is not only associated with existence, but also occurs in the context of art text. As an anti-aesthetic culture, the generation of contemporary arts develops a relationship of both convergence and deviation with popular visual culture, and it shows as current occurrence of ideas of art and its precipitation in visual culture. As an event, the current occurrence indicates the text and the occasional feature of contemporary arts. On this basis, the contemporary arts has brought about a paradox of visual culture associated with it, this is also an outstanding representation of the contemporaneity of visual arts and post-modernity of culture. The paradox of visual culture of the contemporary arts is represented by the increasing popularization and popularity, which is more difficult for people to understand. Meanwhile arts not only look quite "natural" and familiar, but also appears to be quite defamiliarized. This paradox of visual culture is a peculiar manifestation of the mutual generation of contemporary arts and visual culture, and it represents the fundamental difficulty in Western contemporary visual culture and its existence as well.
作者 张贤根
出处 《湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第1期74-80,共7页 Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
关键词 当代艺术 视觉文化 相互生成 悖论 the contemporary arts visual culture mutual generation paradox
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