The Jinsitai Cave site (45°13′ N, 115°22′ E) is situated at Dong Wuzhumuqin County, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. It was discovered in 2000 and excavated in 2000 and 2001. The deposit inside the cave consists of 8 layers. Layers 1-2 are Holocene deposits. Layers 3- 8 are Pleistocene units, which can be delaminated into three cultural layers: the lower cultural layer(layers 7-8), the middle cultural layer( layers 5-6) and the upper cultural layer( layers 3- 4). The materials reported in the paper all came from layers 3-8. More than 4000 stone artifacts, some bone artifacts and many vertebrate fossils were found in the deposits. Chronological data (14C) shows that these strata date between 36-18ka BP. This site should be a living place and a spot for producing stone artifacts, occupied by human being for a long time. According to the characteristics of these artifacts, the Jinsitai Cave site can be attributed to the main industry of Paleolithic tradition in North China. Three cultural layers come down in one continuous line. The Lower cultural stratum is dominated by the Small Tool Industry. A lot of cobble tools and Levallois tools are found in the Middle cultural stratum. The Mieroblade Industry in Upper cuhural stratum is superior to the Small Tool Industry, according to the tool types, retouched technique and selected raw materials. Two Tool Industries are developed together. This site provides new data for studying distributing range and cultural connotation of the main industry; it has important significance for discussing intercommunion of Paleolithic cultures and appearance of the Microblade Industry.
Acta Anthropologica Sinica