目的通过对《The Lancet》近15年来收录的关于眼科方面文献的搜索和阅读,更好地了解眼科临床研究的热点问题及突破性进展。设计文献检索分析。研究对象1995年1月-2009年4月《The Lancet》杂志。方法在Elsevier数据库中的所有字段(allfields)内输入Mesh词汇"ophthalmology",查找出《The Lancet》收录的相关文献,并通过阅读摘要进一步筛选。主要指标文献种类。结果共纳入文献85篇,论著34篇(40.0%),病例报告18篇(21.2%),评论17篇(20.0%),讨论12篇(14.1%),综述4篇(4.7%)。其中,随机对照试验(RCT)文献10篇,占论著的29.4%(10/34)。按内容分类,关于疾病综合评论者33篇(38.8%);关于治疗者32篇(37.7%)。按疾病分类,关于沙眼和糖尿病性视网膜病变(DR)者均为12篇(14.1%),其中RCT设计分别为2篇和5篇。有关沙眼的文献中,关于治疗者5篇,关于预防、诊断和综合评价者2篇。而DR的文献主要集中在治疗方面(7篇),多在2007年之后(共8篇)。关于白内障的文献7篇,其中1篇为RCT设计。结论《The Lancet》近15年文献的分布情况表明,眼科临床研究的重点及热点是世界范围内的主要可防治性致盲性眼病。
Objective To better understand the hot spots and breakthrough on ophthalmology by searching and reading articles published in the Lancet in recent 15 years. Design Literature search and analysis. Prticipants Articles were obtained from Jan. 1995 to Apr. 2009 in the Lancet. Methods In Elsevier database we inputted "ophthalmology" in "all fields". Further screening was done by reading titles and abstracts of the articles. Main Outcome Measure Literature types. Results Eighty five articles were included. There were 34 (40.0%) original articles, 18 (21.2%) case reports, 17 (20.0%) comment, 12 (14.1%) seminar and 4 (4.7%) reviews. And 10 of them were randomized controlled trials (RCTs), which accounted for 29.4% (10/34)of the original articles. In the main study points, articles systematically review on certain disease were the most, totally 33(38.8%); 32(37.7%) articles on treatment were the second most. Besides, most of the articles concerned trachoma and diabetic retinopathy (DR), both were 12 (14.1%), 2 and 5 designed by RCTs respectively. Articles on trachoma referred to kinds of study fields (including 5 articles on treatment, 2 on prevention, diagnosis and systematic evaluations respectively) while articles on DR mainly concerned treatment and most of them published after 2007. Articles on cataract, totally 7, and one of them was RCT, were the second most. Conclusions Clinical researches on ophthalmology mainly focus on preventable and treatable blinding diseases according to The Lancet in recent 15 years.
Ophthalmology in China