Research on organizational socialization tactics, content and its influence on employees' attitudes and behaviors are in a wide variety and fruitful. However, in the existing research there is little theoretical analysis and empirical study on the relationship between organizational socialization and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). In this study, we focus on three types of organizational socialization: organizational history, organizational language, organizational values & goals socialization, and analyze their influence on OCB and the underlying mechanisms, especially the mediated role of organizational identification. Firstly, we review the literature regarding the relationships between the three types of organizational socialization, OCB and organizational identification. Secondly, based on the literature, we use organizational identity theory to develop a theoretical model linking organizational socialization, organizational identification and OCB, and then propose a series of research hypotheses. Thirdly, drawing on samples of 7 high-tech manufacturing enterprises from Chongqing in China, we employ a series of measurement and statistical analysis to test our hypotheses. The results from hierarchical regression and structural equation model indicate that organizational history, organizational language, organizational values & goals socialization are positively related to OCB and organizational identification. Furthermore, organizational identification mediates the relationship between organizational language, organizational values & goals socialization and OCB, and organizational identification partially mediates the relationship between organizational history socialization and OCB. This study not only enriches and expands the research on organizational socialization and OCB, but also has important practical inspiration. This paper reveals that organizations need to apply multiple approaches to improve members' identification in many aspects (organizational history, organizational language, and organizational values & goals etc) in the process of organizational socialization. Only in this way can socialization be truly realized. In the meanwhile, organizations should also note that the organization's history (especially the previous incentive measures) will drop hints on the staff, thus affecting their behavior in organizations directly. In sum, organizations should identify the different mechanism in the relationship between organizational socialization and OCB in the practices of management.
Nankai Business Review
Organizational Socialization
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Organizational Identification