With the development of information technology, competition and cooperation have become the strategic choices of enterprise sustainable survival and development, and relational governance has become more important. Manufacturer and supplier take joint action to deal with the problems of special investment, in order to effectively improve cooperation relationship. Based on previous studies, this paper makes an explorative study of the effect of information technology on inter-firm relational governance, and the moderating effect of special investment and trust during enterprise informatization. With the support of information technology, special investment and trust both are important influencing factors to inter-firm relationship, the theory model of direct and indirect influence of these factors to relational governance during enterprise the process of informatization. Transaction-specific information technology (IT) investments are those investments intended to support a specific manufacturer-supplier relationship. The presence of trust and reciprocal investments have been described as important antecedents to inter-firm electronic cooperation. Electronic cooperation in interorganizational relationship has been generally explained as a function of IOS, and IS (Information System) literature has called this IOS-induced cooperation as electronic integration, electronic interdependence, information partnership, or relational governance. The model emphasizes different role of these factors in different stage of joint action, and make further research on relational governance in support of information technology. The variables are measured against measurement standards, and by applying the data collected from 281 effective interviews, the theory model is empirically verified in both aspects of the dynamic process of joint action: joint planning and joint problem solving. With evidence from manufacturers and suppliers of economic zone in the west coast of Taiwan Strait, the empirical results based on SEM show that the moderating effect of trust is significant in joint action, the moderating effect of special investment is significant during prior joint planning, but not significant during post joint problem solving, which can give some inspiration on building special information system.
Nankai Business Review
Information Technology
Joint Action
Special Investment
Moderating Effect