江泽民总书记和李鹏总理在1997年8月就治理水土流失,改善生态环境作出了重要批示,党的十五大要求我们搞好水土保持,防治荒漠化,改善生态环境这是党的第三代领导集体在世纪之交的历史时刻,以对中华民族和子孙后代高度负责的精神,向全国各族人民发出的伟大号召,同时,向全世界庄严宣告:依靠社会主义制度的优越性,发扬艰苦创业的精神,中国人民有能力、有志气把黄土高原建成秀美山川.总书记的重要批示和十五大精神给我们以极大的鼓舞和力量,对于这项跨世纪的宏伟战略部署,我们要在认真学习、深刻领会精神实质的基础上,以实际行动来贯彻落实,首要的就是做好跨世纪新征途上的水土保持建设规划.1 编制规划的思路和指导思想1.1 规划编制的思路一是依据国务院批复的《全国水土保持规划纲要1991~2000年》;二是依据1994年国家计委组织编制的《全国生态建设计划水土保持专项规划1991~2050年》;三是认真总结新中国建立以来,特别是改革开放20 年来水土保持的经验和教训;四是参考了一些相关的规划,诸如《全国水土保持监测网络与信息系统建设规划1995~2010年》、《全国水土保持梯田、坝地建设规划》等.在此基础上,对治理水土流失改善生态环境的批示进行一次再学习、再认识、再提高,把思想统一到党的十五大和江泽?
The overall purposes of China transcentury soil and water conservation planning are in the following 50 years to basically harness all areas of 1 955.4 thousand km^(2) of soil and water loss with feasible conservation measures, to fulfil a series of key soil and water conservation construction projects, to firmly control every kind of new patterns of soil and water loss overall China, to restrain development of soil and water loss, and to establish the perfect forecast and supervision system in all the areas with soil and water loss and potentials, and the dynamic monitoring network for soil and water loss, in order to improve evidently the agricultural conditions and ecological environment in most regions and to create a perfect ecological environment for sustainable developments of economy and society. The annual soil and water conservation area should be increased from current 36 000 km^(2) to 50 km^(2) in recent years.
Soil and Water Conservation in China
soil and water conservation planning purpose transcentury ecological environment