
理论建构与理论批评的互动——美国整合营销传播理论研究二十年综述 被引量:12

Interaction of Theoretical Construction and Theoretical Criticism——A Review of Twenty Years of American IMC Theory Research
摘要 "整合营销传播"(IMC)从概念到话语只花了十年时间,这一阶段以理论建构为主。在随后的十年,美国IMC研究集中在"理论"和"实践"两大主题上,对于"什么是IMC"及"IMC是否有价值"学术界仍存在较大分歧,集中体现在"IMC是管理时尚还是理论范式"的争论上,这一阶段以理论批评为主,正是理论批评与理论建构互动,推动IMC向理论范式迈进。美国IMC理论研究路径对中国学者们的研究深具启发意义。 It took one decade for "integrated marketing communications (IMC)" to become a discourse from a concept, and the theoretical construction was the major research method in the period. In the next decade, IMC researchers in American have focused their interest on two sorts of topic, of which one is the issue of theory and the other the issue of practice. What is IMC? Is it useful? For these questions, there are no ultimate answers, and a hot controversy lies in that whether IMC is a management fashion or a theoretical paradigm. The theoretical criticism is the major research method in this period. IMC has become a paradigm through the interaction of theoretical construction and theoretical criticism. Academicians of China learn from the review of American IMC theory research.
作者 黄迎新
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期76-81,共6页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社科基金一般规划项目(09YJA860029)
关键词 整合营销传播 理论 研究 范式 integrated marketing communications theory research paradigm
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