Promoter prediction and recognition in human genome is an important task in DNA sequence analysis. We present a novel human promoter recognition algorithm based on KL divergence and BP neural network. We extract the most effective 6-mers that distinguish promoter sequenec regions from other DNA sequences regions by KL divergence,and choose frequencies of the 6-mers as the compo- nent features. We combine the component features and CpG island features,and then apply BP neural network to construct a human promoter recognition system. The system consists of three classifiers: Promoter-Exon classifier, Promoter-Intron classifier and Promoter-3 '-UTR classifier. Each classifier is a BP neural network. If an unknown sequence is regarded as a promoter by two or three classifiers, it is predicted as a promoter. The evaluation results on testing set are 51.40% in sensitivity and 52.9 % in specificity.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition