
国际投资仲裁中的人权保护 被引量:6

Human Rights in International Investment Arbitration
摘要 当前,国际投资条约和投资仲裁已经给人权保护带来消极影响。在投资者与国家间的投资争端中,仲裁庭对投资有关的人权问题可以行使管辖权。人权规则也已经被仲裁庭适用于界定间接征收、确定征收补偿数额等问题。当投资者通过国际仲裁机制挑战东道国的人权保障措施时,东道国可能会援引国际人权义务抗辩投资者的主张,此时,仲裁庭应当适当考虑东道国的人权义务,而不是任由投资规则践踏人权规则。 At present, the international investment treaty and investment arbitration has certain negative impact on the protection of human rights. When the disputes are raised between foreign investors and host country, the arbitration can exercise jurisdiction tribunal over human rights problems relating to investment. Human rights rules have also been applied by the arbitration tribunal to define the indirect expropriation, determine the compensation amount to expropriation and deal with amicus curiae briefs and other issues. When investors challenge the host country for its human rights protection measures by means of international arbitration mechanism, the host country may invoke international human rights obligations to defend the investors claim, meanwhile, the arbitration tribunal shall give due consideration to the host country's human rights obligations, rather than allowing investment principles to trump human rights principles by default.
作者 李凤琴
出处 《政法论丛》 2010年第1期100-106,共7页 Journal of Political Science and Law
关键词 国际投资仲裁 人权保护 人权义务 international investment arbitration the protection of human rights human rights obligations
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