
职业选拔情景中被试作假的实验研究 被引量:2

An Experimental Study of Faking of Candidates in Occupational Selection Situations
摘要 采用模拟实验研究,探讨职业选拔情境下被试对人格测验作假的性质。被试为两组对刑警职业熟悉程度不同的大学生,共276人。研究结果显示,60-80%的个体都会作假,大部分人属于轻度作假;作假程度要比西方的大一些,人格分数平均升高0.6个标准差以上。这将大大影响人格测验的有效性。 Through a simulated experimental study in occupational election situation for policeman, the faking in the personality tests was explored. The result shows that the rate of faking is 60-80% and most people belong to slightly faking. Test score is averagely increased by 0.6 standard deviations, which is higher than that in Western countries. Serious faking will lead to invalid recruitment decisions.
出处 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2010年第2期74-77,共4页 Academic Journal of Jinyang
关键词 作假 职业选拔 人格测验 faking occupational selection personality tests
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