
英语成为世界语背景下中国高校英语语音教学初探 被引量:5

Exploring the Teaching of English Pronunciation and Intonation in China under the Background of EIL
摘要 随着全球一体化和英语在Kachru(1992)定义的外圈和扩展圈里被越来越多的非本族英语使用者普遍使用,英语已经逐步成为了世界语或者国际通用语(EIL/EFL),并且在国际交际中发挥着重要作用。与此同时,随着英语与当地语言的相互作用和融合,拥有各自语言特征特别是语音特征的新兴英语(New Englishes)也逐步出现,并且成为影响EIL特征形成的重要因素。语言学家已开始着手研究EIL/ELF的语言特征(例如:Jenkins,2000,2002;Seidlhofer,2004)。基于这些新形势和新的研究成果,中国高校英语语音教学应突破本族语言范式(nativeness paradigm),适当添加国际广泛认可的EIL的一些主要语音特征,提高学生对不同母语的英语使用者语音的辨识能力和接受性技能(receptive skills),着重帮助学生克服核心语音(LFC)等容易影响交流的语音错误,改革语音考核制度,并且加大对语音教师有针对性的培训。 With the trend of globalization and the expanded use of English in outer circle countries and expanding circle countries defined by Kachru (1992), English has become an international language (EIL) or English as a lingua franea (ELF), and is playing an important role in breaking linguistic barriers in international communications. Meantime, while English was interacting with their local languages, some New Englisbes emerged and developed their linguistic features especially phonetic features. New Englishes have also become factors that are having great influence on the formation of ElL, particularly its phonetic features. Some researchers have even taken up ambitious tasks of analyzing and describing features of EIL/ELF ( e. g. , Jenkins, 2000, 2002 ; Seidlhofer, 2004). In response to these changes, this paper claims that the teaching of English pronunciation and intonation in China should be more inclusive. Spocifleally, we should transcend the nativeness paradigm, add in some widely recognized ElL phonetic features, enhance students'receptive skills, help students grasp the essence of the Lingua Franea Core (LFC), innovate the present assessment of learners" pronunciation and intonation, and put more emphasis on teacher education to keep up with this latest trend.
作者 黄婷 李琳
出处 《四川教育学院学报》 2010年第1期104-106,共3页 Journal of Sichuan College of Education
关键词 一体化 世界语 新兴英语 语音教学 globalization international language New Englishes Teaching English pronunciation and intonation
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