
描述逻辑研究进展 被引量:1

Survey of Research on Description Logic
摘要 介绍了描述逻辑系统的结构,对基本的描述逻辑语言以及推理机制进行了描述。重点概述了描述逻辑的动态扩展、模糊以及概率扩展的研究状况,并根据其应用领域对描述逻辑的研究趋势及其更新进展进行了介绍。 Description logic(DL) is a formal language for representing knowledge and it is a decidable subset of first-order logic. As an effective mechanism of knowledge representation, description logci is extensively applied to various fields of computer science. The architecture of DL system is introduced and the basic DL languages as well as their reasoning mechanism of DL are described. The current research progresses about dynamic extension and fuzzy extension as well as possibility extension to DL are summarized. The research trends and update to DL are presented according to applications of DL.
作者 张燕
出处 《江南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第1期122-126,共5页 Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition) 
关键词 描述逻辑 知识表示 推理机制 description logic, knowledge representation, reasoning mechanism
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