
胶质瘤细胞诱导神经干细胞迁移作用的实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Study on Glioma Cell inducing the Migration of Neural Stem Cells in Vitro
摘要 目的观察胶质瘤细胞在体外培养条件下对神经干细胞是否有诱导迁移的作用。方法①从新生1~2dSD大鼠脑皮层分离培养神经干细胞,进行神经干细胞及其增殖能力鉴定。②胶质瘤细胞与神经干细胞限定区域联合培养,观察神经干细胞的生长及其形态学变化。结果①所获得神经细胞球Nestin染色阳性,传代神经细胞球抗BrdU染色阳性。②可观察到神经干细胞球周围长出细胞突起,在靠近胶质瘤细胞的一侧,细胞突起的密度及长度均大于其他方向上的突起并且可见部分干细胞向胶质瘤细胞方向的移动。结论胶质瘤细胞在体外对神经干细胞有诱导迁移作用。 Objective Observing whether neural stem cells were induced to migrate by glioma cells in vitro. Methods ①To isolate and culture NSCs from 1-2 day newly born Sprague-Dawley rat (SD rat) cerebral cortices and subculture neural stem cells. The expression of nestin and proliferation ability of neural stem cells were examined. ②NSCs were co-cultured with glioma cells of C6 to verify whether glioma cells could induce the migration of NSCs in vitro. Result ①Neurospheres from pro-generation stained by anti-Nestin were positive, and neurospheres from sub-generation stained by anti-BrdU were positive too. ②Apophyses grew out from NSCs and neurospheres, apophyses around neurospheres were different in different direction, there were longer and more apophyses near to the side of glioma cells,and there were some NSCs moved to the glioma cells. Conclusion Glioma cells can facilitate the migration of NSCs in vitro.
出处 《中国医药指南》 2010年第7期25-27,共3页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 神经干细胞 胶质瘤细胞 细胞培养 细胞迁移 Neural stem cell Glioma cell Cellculture Migration of cells
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