Imperial Academy of Medicine of Yuan Dynasty was the highest executive organ of national medical affairs management. Its supreme chief executive was officially named "The Chief Imperial Doctor", or in other terms "The Ambassador of Imperial Academy of Medicine" and "The Chief hnperial Doctor of Imperial Academy of Medicine. " As the supreme chief executives of medical affairs in different periods of Yuan Dynasty, they were directly involved in the institution and implementation of relevant medical management regulations, and played an important role in the medical affairs management throughout Yuan Dynasty. But compared with those who were also in charge with medical affairs in other Chinese feudal dynasties, these officials in Yuan Dynasty were a much larger group in population and enjoyed a much higher political status. Being a special group, they were appreciated and trusted by the khans of Mongol Empire, successive emperors of Yuan Dynasty. Meanwhile, they came to formulate traits unique to themselves. So far, there have been few studies on this subject, so the writer of this paper just tries to do a little research on it, and any comment or verification is welcome.
Journal of Anyang Normal University
the Yuan Dynasty
the Chief hnperial Doctors
the Group Traits