

Dynamic Change of Biochemical Composition in Colostrum of Yorkshire Sows
摘要 对9头大约克母猪分娩28d内乳汁的常规营养成分含量和乳蛋白组分的动态变化进行了研究,结果表明,大约克猪乳汁的组成在分娩3d内明显不同于常乳,其中乳蛋白含量在分娩1d内显著高于以后数天;乳糖和乳脂含量在分娩当天最低,以后数天呈波动性变化。酪蛋白比例在初乳和常乳蛋白中均占明显的优势,免疫球蛋白的比例随泌乳天数的增加呈逐渐下降的趋势,而α-乳清蛋白和高分子量蛋白的比例在分娩1d内显著低于分娩28d的。 Conventional nutrient contents and protein composition of milk were studied using nine Yorkshire sows within 28 days postpartum. The milk composition of Yorkshire sows within 3 days postpartum differed significantly from the regular milk, milk protein content within ] day postpartum was significantly higher than that in the following days, the contents of lactose and fat in milk were at the lowest level within 1 day postpartum and changed dynamically with lactation. The proportions of casein were the highest in both colostrums and milk proteins, the proportion of IgG showed a decreased trend with lactation, while, the proportions of α-La and HMWP within 1 day postpartum were significantly lower than that of 28 days.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2010年第2期390-391,394,共3页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 四川省应用基础项目(2006J13-117)
关键词 初乳 生化组成 sow colostrum milk biochemical composition
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