选择生产上常用的4种不同药剂对水稻纹枯病进行防治研究。结果表明:5%井冈霉素防效最好,防治效果达到70.9%。3.5%多抗霉素、25%施保克和30%爱苗,防治效果分别为45.5%、50.9%和49.1%。5%井冈霉素处理的产量最高,为8 175 kg.hm-2,比对照增产6.49%。
The effect of 4 pesticides against rice sheath blight was tested. The results showed that the control effect validamycin of 5% was the best in 4 pesticides, the control efficiency achieves 70.9%. The control efficiency polyoxin of 3.5%, 25% prochloraz and armure 30% were 45.5% ,50. 9% and 49.1%. The yield validamycin of 5% treatment was reached 8 175 kg·hm^-2, increasing 6.49% compared with CK.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences