
3个辣椒花药培养再生株群体主要农艺性状及苗期抗病性研究 被引量:5

Studies on the Main Agronomic Traits and Virus Resistance of Three DH Population Derived from Anther Culture of Capsicum annuum L.
摘要 对3个辣椒花药培养再生株DH-R2群体的主要农艺性状,包括株高、株幅、首花节位、叶色、单果质量、商品果横径、商品果纵径、果形指数、老熟果色等进行了较详细的测量和统计分析。结果表明:辣椒花药培养再生株群体的农艺性状存在基因型偏性;再生株群体的单果质量、商品果纵径、果形指数这3个性状都表现为低于供体,株高、株幅、首花节位、商品果横径这4个性状都表现为近似于供体;通过单倍体培养途径可以得到不同颜色层次的老熟果色的辣椒纯系,证明了该途径是多基因控制性状育种的有效途径;对耐TMV和CMV的亲本与感病亲本的杂种进行花药培养,获得了兼具TMV和CMV抗性的株系,证明了单倍体培养途径可以创造新的超亲抗病种质。 Measurement and statistic analysis were taken for the main agronomic traits and virus resistance in 3 double haploid(DH) population derived from anther culture of Capsicum annuum L.Results showed that genotype leaning was existed for the main agronomic traits in the DH population.Data of single fruit weight,longitudinal diameter of fruit,fruit shape index were lower than that of donor plant.Data of plant height,plant breadth,the number of leaves below the first flower bud,transverse diameter of fruit were close to the donor plant.It was proved that homozygous lines with various hiberarchy colored mature fruits could be obtained by DH inducing,and this is a powerful pathway in the new variety breeding for multigene controlling traits.One DH line with high resistance to both TMV and CMV was screened out from the population derived from the hybrid donor plant whose parents were sensitive or tolerant to the both viruses.This result proved that ideal lines with excelled traits could be got in the DH population.These results were utlizable for reversely guiding the choice of donor plant,predicting the phenotype of the regenerated plants,increasing the ratio of aimed plants and so on,which was very significant for the application of anther culture in the breeding of pepper.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期231-238,共8页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家"863"项目(2006AA100108 2007AA100104)
关键词 辣椒 花药培养 DH群体 农艺性状 抗病性 Capsicum annuum L. Anther culture DH population Agronomic traits Virus resistance
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