
乙肝、丙肝、艾滋病、梅毒四种传染病的同步快速检测 被引量:6

Study on Simultaneous Detection of HBsAg、Anti-HCV、Anti-HIV and Anti-Syphilis
摘要 〔目的〕针对国境口岸对出入境人员常规监测的4种传染病,研究和开发同步快速的检测方法。〔方法〕根据蛋白悬浮芯片法的原理,建立传染病病原体及抗体单体系和复合体系检测系统;通过统计分析和对比的方法检测其灵敏度、特异性和可靠性。〔结果〕成功建立了4种传染病同步检测的方法,即对HBsAg、anti-HCV AB、anti-HIV AB、anti-Syphilis Ab同时进行检测;以检测HBsAg为例比较了悬浮芯片法与ELISA法的灵敏度;对4种病原体同时检测的复合体系中各种抗原与其对应抗体的特异性作了比较分析,特异性比较强;通过与ELISA法的比对,检测结果比较可靠。〔结论〕复合体系的悬浮芯片法利用免疫学原理,可以通过同步检测人的血清,诊断人是否感染所检测的4种病原;这种方法的检测结果准确可靠、特异性强;其优点是样品用量小、可高通量检测、省时快捷。 Objective To develop a fast simultaneous detection method for 4 kinds communicable diseases diagnosis monitored routinely at border ports.Method According to the principle of protein chip suspension,single and multiplexed system through suspension array were established,its sensitivity、specificity and reliability were detected through statistical analyses.Result The simultaneous detection system for HBsAg、anti-HCV、anti-HIV、anti-Syphilis has been successfully established;takeing HBsAg as an example,detected the sensitivity and compared it with ELISA;detected the specificity and finished variance analysis(F analysis);the sensitivity and reliability of suspension array was much better than ELISA,the specificity was quite satisfactory.Conclusion Multiplexed suspension array,using immunological principle,can be used to diagnose whether human infected by 4 kinds of pathogens through serum simultaneous inspection.Its results are accurate and reliable,specificity is satisfactory,The advantage is the sample amount is small,high-throughpnt detection,time-saving shortcuts.
出处 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》 CAS 2010年第1期6-10,14,共6页 Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine
基金 国家质量监督检验检疫总局科研项目:2007IK209
关键词 传染病 芯片分析技术 实验室技术和方法 评价研究 Communicable diseases Microchip analytical procedures Laboratory techniques and procedures Evaluation
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