
PC与IPTV影音服务选单——数位汇流技术开发 被引量:3

Menu System Convergence of Video Service for PC and IPTV Platforms
摘要 这里以页面分割及HTML的<DIV>标签技术,通过PC及IPTV的设备判断,汇流PC及IPTV影音选单的页面呈现,以达到一次制作多平台播放的效果,让数位内容有更多平台露出的机会,以加速及强化数位内容产业的发展。此汇流技术已成功地运用在台湾的数位典藏计画,将台湾发展多年的珍贵的数位影音典藏,能在Internet网路的PC族群及中华电信的IPTV服务(MOD)两大平台,展现其精致的内容,发挥数位内容的亲近度。 The menu system of video service for convergence PC and IPTV platforms by the web page presentation partition and HTML 〈DIV〉 technologies. Through the auto - detection of IPTV and PC devices, the convergence system provides more distribution channels for digital video content. Currently, this technology is adopted for promoting the video service of Taiwan's Digital Archive Project on ChungHwa Telcomrs IPTV (MOD) platform and traditional Internet PC platform.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2010年第6期94-98,共5页 Modern Electronics Technique
基金 National Science Council Tai wan under Grant NSC96-2422-H-158-001 the Joint Academia-Industry Development Project of Commerce Industrial Services Portal Ministry of Economic Affairs Tai wan under Grant S09800025136494
关键词 数位汇流 机顶盒 互动电视 数位内容 digital convergence set - top box interactive TV digital content
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