

Influence of the Higter Order Group Veloccity Dispersion on Evolution of Chirp in the Anomalous Dispersion Regime of the Single Mode Fibers
摘要 在单模光纤反常色散区,首次推出了带有初始啁啾的高斯脉冲在二阶、三阶速度色散效应作用产生的啁啾解析表达式。用数值法模拟了光纤中啁啾演变过程。研究结果表明:二阶、三阶色散导致非线性啁啾;三阶色散只在脉冲沿附近产生啁啾极值,从而使脉冲在前后沿产生振荡结构;当具有负初始啁啾的高斯脉冲入射时,在脉冲中心小区域内净啁啾等于零,可形成孤子。 Taken into account second and third order dispersion in the anomalous dispersion regime of the single mode fibers for an initial chirped Gaussian pulse, an analytic exproxission of the dispersion induced chirp is obtained . The procedure of the chirp evolution in the fiber is simulated by numerical methods. The results show that the second and third order dispersive effect induce the nonliner chirp; the third order dispersion generates the extreme values of chirp distorting asymmetric the pulse shape with an osocillatory stucture near one of pulse edges; the net chirp equals to zero and the solitons is formed in the small central region of the pulse for the initial negative chirped gaussian pulse.
出处 《量子光学学报》 CSCD 1998年第3期173-179,共7页 Journal of Quantum Optics
关键词 高阶色散 啁啾演变 反常色散区 波导光学 higher order dispersion, evolution of chirp, anomalous dispersion regime
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