
一位中学语文特级教师的专业认同研究 被引量:2

A Case Study of a Special Grade Teacher’s Professional Identity
摘要 文章采用个案研究的方法,探究了一位中学语文特级教师是如何建构其作为学科专家、教学专家、教育专家的认同,如何不断地往返"结构-能动"之间反思地建构其专业认同的。研究结果发现,Z老师专业认同经历了一个从被动顺服、觉醒反思到主动创造的建构、解构和重构过程。其在有为的执著与无为的洒脱之间的游走有着鲜明的时代烙印。Z老师专业认同建构的能动性不仅表现在他对自己专业知能和教育理念的提升、发展和修正,还表现在他与结构互动中在行动上的审时度势、深思熟虑和灵活性。 The study through analyzing how he explored a senior high school Chinese special grade teacher's professional identities views himself as a subject expert, a teaching expert and pedagogical expert as well as how ‘structure-agency' functions in the shaping of his professional identities. It is found that the construction and reconstruction of his professional identities has experienced three periods of development characterized by passive conformity, awakening reflection and active creation respectively. And his going between persistence and relaxation had obvious imprints from the past. His agency is not only manifested in his making efforts to improve, develop his expertise and modify educational belief, but also in his deliberation, thoughtfulness and flexibility in interaction with the structure.
作者 郝彩虹
出处 《教育学术月刊》 北大核心 2010年第2期32-36,共5页 Education Research Monthly
基金 北京市教育科学"十一五"规划重点课题"教师实践性知识研究"(AIA06135)的成果之一
关键词 特级教师 专业认同 结构 能动性 A Special Grade Teacher Professional Identity Structure Agency
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