The de-excitation energy of superdeformed secondary minima of odd-odd Au isotopes is investigated using the relativistic mean field model with the inclusion of the isoscalar-isovector coupling. It is shown that the de-excitation energies of superdeformed secondary minima relative to the ground states can serve as a significant probe to the density dependence of the symmetry energy.
The de-excitation energy of superdeformed secondary minima of odd-odd Au isotopes is investigated using the relativistic mean field model with the inclusion of the isoscalar-isovector coupling. It is shown that the de-excitation energies of superdeformed secondary minima relative to the ground states can serve as a significant probe to the density dependence of the symmetry energy.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 10975033, the Jiangsu Provincial NSF under Grant No BK2009261, the Knowledge hmovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant No KJXC3-SYW-N2, and the National Basic Research Program of China under Contract No 2007CB815004.