
流动性视角的银行资本结构研究进展 被引量:3

Recent Development of the Study of Bank Capital Structure Based on Liquidity
摘要 银行流动性与清偿力之间存在复杂的作用关系,这种关系与银行外部经济环境交织在一起使流动性风险成为引发银行危机的根源之一,从流动性视角研究银行资本结构也因此成为银行财务和银行监管文献的重要动向。论文回顾了银行流动性与资本结构关系研究的现状和趋势,对流动性保证、流动性创造、流动性危机与银行资本结构决策三个主要关系的经典文献进行梳理和总结,意在对我国银行的资本监管和稳健经营提供某种借鉴。 There exists a complex relationship between bank liquidity and solvency, its interaction with certain economic environment making up one of important roots that gives rise up liquidity risk and banking crisis. From the perspective of liquidity, investigating the bank's capital structure has become an important trend in the financial affairs and the supervision literature of the bank. Aiming to provide some references for China's banking capital regulation and sound operations, this paper reviews the relationship between the bank liquidity and capital structure, and offers a combing up and summary of the classical literature on the three major relationships between liquidity ensurance, liquidity creativeness, and liquidity crisis and bank capital structure.
出处 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期21-27,共7页 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
基金 教育部人文社科基金项目"WTO条件下我国银行资本结构与安全研究"(06JA790023)
关键词 银行流动性 债权人结构 银行资本结构 Bank Liquidity Creditor Structure Bank Capital Structure
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