设计了一种利用旋转变压器TS2225N12E102检测电机转子位置和速度,用定点DSP TMS320F2812处理转子位置和速度的方法。介绍了旋转变压器的基本原理,设计了TMS320F2812与旋转变压器的接口电路,介绍了计算转子位置和速度的方法。试验表明,该方法能够准确地实现永磁同步电机位置和速度的检测。
A resolver TS2225N12E102 was used to detect the rotor position and speed, at the same time,the rotor position and speed were calculated base on a fixed-point DSP TMS320F2812. Introduced the principle of resolver, designed a interface circuit of TMS320F2812 and resolver, and presented the calculation of the rotor position and speed. Experiment result shows that the interface circuit's performance is steady and can exactly measure the position and speed of the PMSM.
Electric Drive