
应用“扎根理论”构建顾客忠诚的动态转化模型 被引量:9

Applying Grounded Theory to Construct the Dynamic Transformation Model of Customer Loyalty
摘要 文章采用扎根理论方法对"顾客忠诚"的驱动因素、流程与机理进行研究,得出"顾客忠诚"是处于动态循环链中的、某一段时期内的一种状态平衡的结论,指出它是由"维持顾客忠诚"和"导致忠诚突变"的两类因素进行持续博弈的结果,随着熵的积累,这种平衡最终将被打破,而产生忠诚突变,并继而开始新一轮"顾客忠诚"状态的形成与演化,基于这些结论,构建了顾客忠诚的动态转化模型。 In this paper, the author applied grounded theory to study the drivers, process and mechanism of customer loyalty, and concluded that customer loyalty in a dynamic cycle of chain and a certain period of time is a state of balance, he also pointed out that continu- ous game between factors of maintaining customer loyalty and factors of loyalty transform resulted in customer loyalty. With the accumula- tion of entropy, the balance will eventually be broken, and loyalty transform generates, then the formation and evolution of a new round of customer loyalty begins. Based on these conclusions, the author constructed the dynamic transformation model of customer loyalty.
作者 黄炜
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2010年第3期149-153,共5页 East China Economic Management
基金 湖南省教育厅课题"品牌演化管理:基于动态消费心理的品牌核心价值诉求策略研究"(05C533) 湖南省高校科技创新团队支持计划资助项目
关键词 扎根理论 顾客忠诚 忠诚突变 动态模型 grounded theory customer loyalty loyalty transform dynamic model
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