
管窥医疗卫生机构全面禁烟的院内管理 被引量:1

摘要 目的加强医疗卫生机构院内全面禁管理,促进院内全面禁烟。方法规范院内控烟措施,倡导立法禁炯、管理禁烟、技术禁烟。结果院内控烟是全方位的目标管理,重在抓落实。 Objective To improve the hospital practice of tobacco control,the best approach is to support the speed up the pace of tobacco control in hospital.Methods The hospital survey analysis.Results The hospital is a coinprehensive tobacco control objective management focuses on implementation.
出处 《国际医药卫生导报》 2010年第5期636-639,共4页 International Medicine and Health Guidance News
关键词 医疗卫生机构全面禁烟 控炯立法 全方位的目标管理 重点人群 Medical and health institutions complete ban on smoking Tobacco legislation all aspects of management by objectives Focus groups
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