
EFL课堂讨论的有效性研究 被引量:2

The Study on the Validity of Discussion in EFL Class
摘要 有效的EFL课堂讨论包含任务适切性、能力培养多元性、学生参与自主性、过程体现合作性、蕴含教育性等基本特征。教师应该从明确讨论的目的、优化讨论的话题、合理设计讨论的形式、选择讨论的最佳时机、营造良好的课堂讨论氛围、加强组织调控、及时并恰当地反馈评价等方面对课堂讨论进行优化设计。课堂讨论实施过程中还要体现学生为主体、激励性、知识与能力并重等原则。 Valid discussion in EFL class should include the pertinence of tasks, the diversity of improving abilities, the independence for students to participate in, the collaboration in the process and the contained education and so on. Teachers should optimize and design the class discussion according to the aspects such as the aim and the topic of discussion, the form of discussion in reason, the best opportunity for discussion, good atmosphere for discussion, the organizational control and feedback of evaluation etc. Besides, the principle of giving priority to students, paying equal attention to knowledge and ability should be materialized in the process of class discussion.
作者 丁薇
出处 《青海民族大学学报(教育科学版)》 2010年第2期108-111,共4页 Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College
关键词 EFL课堂 讨论 有效性 EFL class discussion validity
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